Issue Position: Less Regulation, Less Spending

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

In fact, we need to cut spending in Washington as much as we possibly can. Do people realize that we are borrowing $.40 of every dollar we spend? Every welfare check, every "earned income" tax credit, every unemployment check, every food stamp, every time we give $100 away, $40 of it is BORROWED from China et al. Do Americans understand that when someone gives you money repeatedly, they become your master? If China decided one day that enough is enough and to pull the plug, our government would shut down. And because of the government programs in place that people are so unnaturally dependent upon, millions of Americans would suddenly find themselves without food. It would be chaos. We could cut spending by trillions if we end foreign wars and stop the unwinnable War on drugs. We need to slowly bring many government programs to an end and let people stand on their own two feet. I'm not talking about docking help for the disabled or elderly. We are a compassionate society. Those who are truly in need will not suffer if those who can, do.

Politicians like to promise the American people free stuff. This is just to get elected. Unfortunately, it works. And government gets bigger. The bigger government gets, the poorer the population becomes.

When products and services are over-regulated, they become so expensive that only the wealthy can afford them. I believe in the self-regulating free market. I want the government to play as small a role as possible in our daily lives.
