Issue Position: Enforcing Environment Protections

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Attorney General Koster is an aggressive and passionate protector of Missouri's environmental resources. Under his watch, the Attorney General's Office takes legal action to stop pollution of the state's air, water and soil.

In 2009, Koster implemented a Clean Water Initiative to protect Missouri's rivers, streams and groundwater from chemical or bacterial pollution. Since that time, the office has filed more than 50 water enforcement cases in courts around the state.

A major focus for Koster's efforts is the Lake of the Ozarks. The office filed 20 cases in that area in 2010 against violators of Missouri's Clean Water law. In addition, the Attorney General organized a Lake of the Ozarks Symposium in August 2010 to bring together experts and all interested parties to discuss the long-term health of the Lake of the Ozarks. Out of the Symposium came 12 recommendations for protecting the Lake of the Ozarks for future generations.

Another significant environmental issue for the Attorney General since taking office is a consent judgment with Premium Standards Farm. As a consent judgment that dated back to 1999 was set to expire, the Attorney General was able to negotiate a new agreement with the company that set forth a timeline for PSF to install approved scraper systems in barns to reduce odor. By July 2012, PSF will have installed the system in 365 barns. In addition, PSF agreed to $1 million in voluntary payments to local county school funds and county road funds in the area.

Koster's office has also reached major environmental settlements with Doe Run Company, ASARCO, Tronox, Inc., Lafarge North America, Inc., and the GM bankruptcy case since 2009.
