Issue Position: Making Erie a Leader of the 21st Century

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Ryan Bizzarro has long recognized the great potential of Erie County--the only county with a port city in Pennsylvania; a beautiful waterfront; multiple colleges, universities, and technical schools; iconic companies such as GE; a skilled workforce; and leading health care facilities. And while we have made strides here at home, Ryan knows it is only the beginning.

There is a strong foundation present in Erie upon which any community could come together and advance forward with the best interest of its families at its core. Ryan is focused on revitalizing the community he has always called home by elevating Erie as a leader in Pennsylvania politics. His vision for Erie is one of innovation, prosperity, and action. He firmly believes it can be achieved by launching sound economic development initiatives to promote prosperity, fostering a more united community through stronger civic participation, and restoring a sturdy foundation and common sense approach to politics.
