Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

I know we must reform American schools with an eye toward America's future.

The reality is that our children are already competing against their peers in the far reaches of the world. Our future hinges on the success of our children.

I fully support the implementation of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) programs in our public schools. (Math and Science Academy at AHS)

Unfortunately many of our school systems are held back by antiquated models that assume the solutions to education problems are more money and more gold stars.

I support educational reform through instituting best practices at the local level and pursuing innovative solutions that produce desirable results.


The best judge of curriculum, standards and objectives are found at the local level. This permits the active involvement of parents, community members and teachers in the development of the educational foundation for our children. I oppose further nationalization of our education system, including federal mandates and rules that stifle the decision-making powers of state and local boards of education; Washington doesn't know what's best.


I am a strong advocate for charter schools. We cannot afford to pass up opportunities for results-driven education, especially when too many of our public schools have failed our youth.

In the Maryland General Assembly, I consistently fought for the state to place charter schools on an equal footing with public schools. I introduced legislation permitting public charter schools access to capital funds for school buildings that were otherwise denied.

When our public education system fails our children, parents deserve a true choice. I support parent's rights to send their children to another public school or a public charter school. Those public schools with stellar records will attract families and keep them. I would like to see pilot programs for school vouchers.

I continue to believe that the answer to educational failure isn't found in repeating more of the same failed tactics.

Home Schooling

I believe in the fundamental rights of parenting in the education process including the decision to home school their children. I have consistently advocated for the rights of the home schooling parents and wish to continue this advocacy on a federal level.
