Blog: Never Forget the Fallen


Date: May 25, 2012

On May 28th, we will celebrate the Memorial Day holiday. Like most holidays, we will be barraged by numerous advertisements and store sales. Many families will take time to conduct cook-outs, and in general, enjoy time with their families and friends. While all of this activity takes place, we as Americans must take time to fully appreciate and understand why we have these opportunities to enjoy our friends and family in the manner we choose. Many other places in the world do not enjoy this privilege.

Memorial Day is the one day set aside to remember and pay tribute to all of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, by giving their life for the great freedoms that are taken for granted by so many. To the well over one million men and women, our soldiers, marines, seamen, and airmen, we must never forget their sacrifice or that of their families, who have suffered so much.

Like many Americans, I will attend one or more memorial services scheduled on Memorial Day. It is a fitting tribute, and as Americans it is an insignificant amount of time taken out of our lives to say thank you and reflect on so great a loss. We, as a nation, truly owe so much to each and every one of these national heroes. I hope others that read this will share in a tribute and reflect by giving their appreciation for the bravery and unselfishness exhibited by all of these hallowed heroes. Please remember, all of our veterans gave some, but some gave all. God bless our heroes, our veterans, and the United States and America.
