Joe's Magical Mystery Tour


Date: April 5, 2012
Issues: Environment

I have to admit I'm not much of a Beatles fan but I remember their song, and album by the same name, "Magical Mystery Tour" when I was just starting out at West Virginia University. That tune is running through my head as I watch Joe Manchin travel the state talking about commonsense and how we need to take the fight for coal to the Environmental Protection Agency -- the EPA -- and to President Obama.

But you need to listen closely to what he is saying.

First, he readily admits that he is for all regulations being imposed by the EPA. He is for them all -- he just wants to push them back down the road -- say to 2017 -- and not put them in place immediately. I guess he thinks that will help make some kind of difference. While he never talks about it these days, Manchin did create, pass and sign a Cap and Trade bill here in West Virginia three years ago that lowers our use of coal by 10% in three years and by 25% in thirteen years. That's on top of the increased regulation that Manchin's behind.

There's still more confusion from Joe.

He goes on to say that coal will still represent nearly 40% of our national energy mix by 2035 -- and yet while Governor he put exchanges and caps on our coal production with his signature legislation, House Bill 103. Much like the language in a recent court decision -- the EPA, and apparently Joe Manchin -- are using "magical thinking".

Manchin also says he hasn't talked with the President since taking office in Washington -- but claims he made his case with the White House when serving as Governor. He wants to sit down and use commonsense to talk these things out -- and now he is letting us know all he really wants from Lisa Jackson at the EPA and from the White House is a time extension for these virtually unobtainable mandates. Good luck with that.

Nick Joe Rahall, Joe Manchin and Earl Ray Tomblin all say they are in disagreement with the President and are working to get this governmental overreach scaled back.

Here's a wake up call -- it's not working. No amount of rhetoric or saber rattling will stop this administration from plowing through private businesses, destroying jobs and wrecking this fragile recovery. We have a leader in the White House who could care less about West Virginia, our coal based economy and about the complaints he's getting from our local trio. President Obama promised to bankrupt anyone who tries to build a new coal fired power plant and he's delivering on his word.

Congressman Rahall's district is incredibly dependant on coal and his response is that maybe the EPA has gone too far. Governor Tomblin wants people to sign a petetition that doesn't even name Lisa Jackson or Barack Obama. Senator Manchin wants everyone to sit down, have a beer and get along. It is an election year folks -- and these are the times in our great democracy that we make decisions that benefit our lives, our families, our neighbors and our great state. We hear shock, disappointment and dismay in the public of our leaders every day -- but absolutely no talk of a solution.

But there is a solution.

These elected officials should follow the desires of the vast majority of West Virginians -- including me -- who want to end the Presidency of Barack Obama by our vote in November and furthermore elect representatives that put our country and West Virginia first, not a political party. We need a change of direction in America and that starts with a change in leadership -- in the White House and in the Senate.

Add a few clowns and jugglers, Joe, and your Magical Mystery Tour is ready to hit the road. Just stay away from the Rivesville Power Plant near your home in Marion County. Those people are losing their jobs to mandates that you openly support -- but it might make them take it better if they know you're fighting to push their fate back, at least for a few more years.
