Issue Position: Iran

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Defense

Iran remains a dangerous actor in the Middle East and Rep. Eshoo has been firm in her belief that more needs to be done to keep the repressive and dangerous Iranian regime from obtaining nuclear weapons, as well as halting their support of terrorism by exerting outside pressure to promote democratic reform without military intervention. Rep. Eshoo supports the Obama Administration's diplomatic efforts.

Although she is concerned about the people of Iran and the impact of sanctions upon them, Rep. Eshoo recognizes the importance of imposing a measure of discipline to halt Iran's nuclear program. She voted in favor of the Iran Sanctions Enabling Act on October 14, 2009. She also cosponsored and voted in favor of the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act (H.R. 2194) which was signed into law in July of 2010. In the 112th Congress, Rep. Eshoo continues to closely monitor the progress of sanctions implementation.

Rep. Eshoo has long been an outspoken opponent of preemptive and unilateral military intervention. Only a broad international diplomatic push will drive renegade regimes in the Middle East to cease their support for terrorism and their efforts to further destabilize the region. Rep. Eshoo believes the U.S. must remain a committed leader in this effort.
