Issue Position: Reindustrialize America

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

In order to turn the economic tide and revitalize America, we must first reinvigorate our nation's workforce (the most productive in the world) and provide our people with the opportunity to obtain good paying, secure jobs. To achieve this result, we must recapture our nation's former industrial greatness. America cannot sustain a high standard of living and expect robust economic growth without a vibrant and competitive manufacturing sector.

The vigorous domestic production of durable goods is the essential engine that drives any technological economy. "Made in America" has to become the standard of quality in the world once again. The reindustrialization of America not only makes good economic sense, but it also ranks as a crucial national security imperative. Jonathan Michael Snow believes that, in times of war, we need to have the available domestic manufacturing wherewithal to provide and build the critical military assets required for the defense of our nation.
