Issue Position: Practical Solutions for Difficult Times

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Leadership that promotes integrity and American exceptionalism is desperately needed at all levels of government today. Level-headed leadership and citizen service are the cornerstones of a great nation. Working together and listening to each other's ideas are the only feasible road to solving our nation's problems. As a realistic and optimistic American, I understand the greatness of our country and its rich history. Our best days surely lie ahead of us if we concentrate on doing what's right instead of what's politically expedient and always remember our country's core values of faith, freedom and family.

As your Congressman, my first commitment to you will be to uphold the Constitution and to do the very best job I can as your voice in Congress. My second commitment will be to listen to your concerns, represent them well and promote the citizenry of South Carolina's 7th Congressional District. Last, but not least, my third commitment is to be responsive to you and never forget where my home is and the people of the 7th District.

The United States of America is facing a number of serious crises. The Budgetary/Spending Crisis is a crucial area that demands a high degree of focus to make sure our country's revenue is spent wisely and equitably. The economic climate has culminated in a Jobs Crisis. Every means of resourcefulness and creativity has to be utilized to get people working again which will restore our nation's hope and economic health.
