Issue Position: Economy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Issue Position: Economy

A strong economy is built on a free economy. Freedom empowers everyone to create jobs, not just a select few in Washington. By getting Washington off the backs of entrepreneurs in Colorado, small businesses will flourish and strengthen local communities. As a small business owner, I understand that this nation became strong because of small businesses that were allowed to thrive.

Lower Taxes Means More Money

As your congresswoman, I will fight for lower federal taxes for all citizens of Colorado. Lower taxes means more money for everyone to spend. Money that will not be controlled by Congress. That's why I guarantee that I will not vote for any tax increases while in office. We need taxes that favor the middle-class and get the economy moving forward, not taxes that stifle production.

Washington Spending Spree

I also understand that you cannot lower taxes without an equivalent decrease in federal government spending. Therefore as your congresswoman, I will end corporate subsidies and bailouts that favor big businesses over small businesses. I am also committed to end all reckless spending: from foreign aid given to dictators to earmarked Congressional pet projects. Let me be clear: we need to cut the waste, including Congressional salaries and benefits. We need a sensible government, not a reckless one.

Too Much

Federal regulations must also be reduced, because the current regulatory systems have been captured by corporate interests and are driving up costs for small businesses. Government regulations need to be at a minimum and at a fair level to ensure safety. But Congress doesn't seem capable of doing that. That's why I believe that the State should ultimately decide on regulations. And this includes returning forest management to Colorado, taking it out of the hands of federal bureaucrats. We need a regulatory system for Colorado, not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Debt Will Ruin Our Future

I understand that the federal government cannot sustain the current level of debt. As your congresswoman, I will not vote for an unbalanced budget and I will support legislation to force a balance budget on the federal government. U.S. citizens can't continue to spend if they are financially in debt and Washington shouldn't be an exception. We need to create prosperity for the next generation, not bankrupt it.
