Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2005

Date: Oct. 6, 2004

Oct. 6, 2004


Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I rise to speak on behalf of the Childcare Means Parents in Schools Act. I am pleased to join Senator Dodd and Senator Snowe as a cosponsor of the measure. This bill would amend the CCAMPIS Program authorized under Higher Education Act to better facilitate the higher education of those students with children.

For college students who are parents, a safe, nurturing environment for one's children is integral to degree attainment. Nearly 40 percent of students at higher education institutions are over 25 years old and almost 30 percent of undergraduates have children. Most American families utilize childcare: 75 percent of children under 5 are in some type of childcare. And for most families, childcare is the second largest expense in their budget after rent or mortgage.

The Dodd-Snowe bill will modify the definition of "low income student" to extend childcare services to graduate students, international students and other students who would not qualify under the present language but may need childcare assistance. This bill also increases the program authorization to a level that could fund about one-quarter of the 4,000 colleges and universities eligible to apply. The amount of the minimum grant would be raised in order to make the grant process more cost-effective for applying institutions.

Good childcare is often recognized as a first step to school success. It also can be an essential part of the process of being a good student. The peace of mind afforded by the security of knowing one's child is well cared for frees higher education students to pursue their own studies with a more focused determination. Without that foundation, a college education may not be attained.

I urge my colleagues to support the bill and further extend the opportunity of higher education to parents across America.
