Motion to Instruct Conferees on H.R. 3630, Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 20, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. TIPTON. I thank the gentleman for yielding.

Our colleague on the Democrat side is citing the amount of tax increase that Americans will have inflicted on them. That's what we're talking about, as well.

We have an opportunity here, Mr. Speaker, to stand up today for the American people in a very clear choice: 2 months or 12 months. Easy math. We talked about waiting until February. It will be followed by March. The same challenges affecting the American people right now will be present then. This is our opportunity as a legislative body to stand up for the American people for a change rather than politics as usual. We can't afford to let them down. The American people, American businesses, and American seniors deserve some certainty, certainty that we can provide.

Out of this House we passed bipartisan legislation. The Senate passed their version, and it now needs to go to conference so the American people can be better served. This issue is not one that we should be debating, but one we should be standing together as Republicans and Democrats, because this isn't a political issue. This is about standing up for the American people. This is our opportunity to do just that.

