Congressman Boehner: President Obama Should Urge Senate Democrats to Pass More Than 15 Bipartisan Jobs Bills

Press Conference

Date: Nov. 2, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

At a press briefing with Republican leaders today, Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) called on President Obama to help pass the more than 15 bipartisan, House-passed jobs bills that are languishing in the Democratic-controlled Senate. Following are video and text of Congressman Boehner's remarks:

"Republicans continue to be focused on our plan for American job creators. … We continue to move bills that will help create a better environment for job creation in our country. There's some 16 of these bills sitting over in the United States Senate. I think it's time for them to act.

"And while the president is out doing campaign events all over the country, what he could do is to actually come to Washington and be focused on trying to help pass bills that would create a better environment for job creation and help put the American people back to work.

"He's a former member of the Senate, I'm sure he has great influence over there in terms of getting them to take up these bills that really will help put the American people back to work."
