Congressman Cantor Statement On September Jobs Report


Date: Oct. 7, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Eric Cantor (VA-07) today issued the following statement regarding the September jobs report:

"There were far too few jobs created this month, which shows the need to spend less time making campaign style speeches and more time trying to work together to identify policies that we both can agree will create an environment for job creation. Across the country, millions of people remain out of work and uncertainty from Washington continues to freeze capital and prevent businesses small and large from hiring. Working families and small business owners continue to struggle to make ends meet and are rightfully worried about their financial security. We need to work together to instill confidence and create an environment for growth, which means making it easier for job creators and entrepreneurs to begin investing, expanding and hiring again.

"Unfortunately, the policies being promoted by this Administration are serving as a roadblock to growth. Constant threats of tax increases and excessive regulations send the wrong signal to our entrepreneurs, investors and small business people -- a signal that we are not open for business in America. While the House has passed bipartisan proposals to ease the regulatory burden and help job creators, the Senate has failed to act upon that legislation. Meanwhile the President's jobs plan, which includes more stimulus spending and higher taxes, is opposed by the bipartisan majority of Congress. There are some portions of President Obama's plan where we can find commonality, and the House will pass those proposals to boost economic growth and help people get back to work.

"Over the next month, the House will move forward on several areas in the President's jobs plan where there is common ground with House Republicans' Plan for America's Job Creators. We will continue to roll back onerous regulations that are bogging down businesses in uncertainty and sapping capital that could be invested in expanding and hiring. Next week, the House will vote on the three long-awaited free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea that will put America on even footing with our foreign competitors and help manufacturers create new jobs. We will also make permanent the President's proposal to delay the 3% withholding requirement and advance bills to make it easier for small businesses to access capital.

"The House is moving forward with these common sense, bipartisan policies to get our economy back on track and ensure America remains the land for opportunity. We hope the President will stop campaigning and join us in this good faith effort to get businesses hiring and get people back to work."
