House Committee Discusses Labrador Bill to Amend Antiquities Act


Date: Sept. 13, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

The House Natural Resources Committee today held a hearing to review H.R. 846, the Idaho Land Sovereignty Act. This bill would amend the existing Antiquities Act of 1906 to exclude Idaho from additional national monument or wild lands designations without congressional approval. If enacted, Idaho would join Wyoming in being exempted from Presidential actions in the creation or expansion of restricted public lands without congressional oversight.

"Just as designation of wilderness areas is a Congressional prerogative, I believe the designation of national monuments should also be subject to Congressional oversight. My legislation would prohibit any presidential administration from imposing new monument designations in the state of Idaho," said Labrador.

"Clearly the Obama Administration has given us numerous reasons to believe they need to be reined in with their job killing regulations," continued Labrador. "However, these concerns are not only limited to the current administration."

"I don't oppose public lands. I simply oppose efforts by an out-of-touch administration to forcibly lock up public lands without Congressional oversight," said Labrador.
