Conyers Endorses Congressional Progressive Caucus' "People's Budget"


Date: April 13, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

"I am proud to join my fellow members of the Progressive Caucus to announce the "People's Budget.' This is the only budget that makes real investments in American jobs by creating a billion dollar national infrastructure bank. Moreover, it creates a $30 billion budget surplus by 2021 by eliminating outdated Cold War weapons systems, wasteful subsidies for gas and oil companies, and finally makes millionaires, billionaires, and Wall Street speculators pay their fair share in taxes. That's what fiscal sustainability looks like.

"The "People's Budget' is the only budget that brings the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to a responsible end. As the Chair of the Out of Afghanistan Caucus, I applaud the inclusion of this important provision. Since 2001, our country has spent over $1 trillion in direct spending on these wars. Additionally, economist Joseph Stiglitz estimates that we will ultimately end up spending $3 trillion to pay for the medical care of those injured during these misguided foreign occupations. So, in this period of fiscal restraint, the Progressive Caucus has rightly decided that national interests at home and abroad are not best served by pursuing unnecessary wars abroad.

"Throughout my time in Congress, I have advocated for jobs, justice, and peace. The "People's Budget' we offer to the American people is consistent with each of these core principles."
