Rep. Quayle Statement on The Path to Prosperity

Press Release

Congressman Ben Quayle (R-AZ) released the following statement in support of Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's (R-WI) fiscal year 2012 budget resolution: "The Path to Prosperity." The budget includes common-sense entitlement reforms that will save critical social programs including Medicare and Medicaid. It also includes tax reforms that will make American businesses more competitive. Overall, Chairman Ryan's plan would cut $6.2 trillion from President Obama's budget over the next decade and would create nearly one million jobs in the next year, according to a projection by the Heritage Center for Data Analysis.

From Congressman Quayle:

"Chairman Ryan's plan delivers something that has been unacceptably scarce in Washington for years: leadership. Without question, Chairman Ryan deserves significant credit for offering such a bold plan, however, simply telling the American public the truth shouldn't be considered such an unusual step. America is on an unsustainable fiscal path. That is a fact, not an unfounded assertion.

"This budget puts us on the path to finally pay off our debts, create millions of jobs and save our important entitlement programs. Many have said that Democrats will use this historic budget to demagogue House Republicans. I hope the opposite will be true; I hope that Democrats are ready to join us in recognizing the extent of our debt and help us take the necessary steps to fix the problem."
