Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 18, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. FOXX. Mr. Chair, there are few policies passed in the past several decades that could do more harm to our country than last year's passage of the health care overhaul.

That is why I fully support the Rehberg amendment to defund Obamacare and the McMorris Rodgers amendment to bar the IRS from spending any taxpayer money on implementing the law. Not only will these amendments save billions and billions in taxpayer dollars, they will also halt the government takeover of health care dead in its tracks.

Mr. Chair, we cannot afford this misguided legislation that empowers bureaucrats and insurance companies rather than patients and their care providers. It creates constitutionally questionable mandates, raises hundreds of billions in new taxes, and penalizes job creators, families and businesses who do not comply with its draconian requirements.

In the middle of a nascent economic recovery, how can we allow this job-destroying bill to take root? We can't. This body has a responsibility to listen to the American people who are demanding that we uproot this legislation. These two amendments help us do just that and I am proud to support their inclusion in the continuing resolution.

