Chairman Rogers: Statement on Spending Resolution


Date: Jan. 19, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers today announced his support for a resolution that will reiterate the intent of the Republican majority to significantly reduce spending to get the nation onto a responsible fiscal path. The resolution - which directs cuts to non-security spending -- is being considered in the House Rules Committee today

"The message from the American people was crystal clear in this last election: they want government to spend less, stop undue interference in American lives and businesses, and take action to create jobs and get our economy moving again. This resolution is a statement that we have heard this message loud and clear, that we will move immediately to reduce spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels, and that deep cuts to a host of government programs will be made," Rogers said.

"As I have said before, it is my intention to craft the largest series of spending cuts in the history of Congress. My committee is working diligently on this right now, and will continue this effort throughout the Appropriations process this year," Rogers continued.
