Rooney Votes to Repeal Health Care Law

Press Release

Date: Jan. 19, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Rep. Tom Rooney (FL-16) today voted to repeal the costly health care law signed last year and called for replacement legislation that will bring down health care costs and expand access to quality, affordable care.

"Repealing this law is critical to getting spending under control and helping small businesses grow and create jobs," Rooney said. "The hundreds of billions of tax hikes in this law will lead directly to job losses. With unemployment near double digits and much higher in Florida, we need to focus on legislation that will create jobs, not destroy them.

"The law's authors hid its true price tag by paying for six years of benefits with ten years of tax hikes, but the American people see past these smoke and mirrors and recognize that the costs to taxpayers will explode in the coming decades.

"The American people have called repeatedly for relief from skyrocketing health care costs, but costs will actually rise faster under this law than they would have had Congress done nothing. Legislation that drives up costs for families and small businesses is not the reform the American people want.

"Health care reform doesn't have to throw the constitution out the window and force unreasonable, costly mandates on individuals and small business owners. We need to enact patient-centered reforms to bring down costs, like instituting medical liability reform and allowing small businesses and families to pool across state lines. We must make sure that all Americans, particularly those with preexisting conditions, have access to quality health insurance. By focusing on the needs of patients and working diligently to bring down costs, we can make health care more affordable and expand access for all Americans.
