LoBiondo Votes to Repeal Healthcare Law

Press Release

Date: Jan. 19, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Congressman Frank A. LoBiondo (NJ-02) today issued the following statement after voting to repeal President Barack Obama's 2010 healthcare reform law:

"Today's vote is but the first step in repealing the job-destroying mandates of last year's healthcare law and replacing them with common-sense policies that will control costs, practice patient-centered care and protect the doctor-patient relationship.

"As we proceed forward, this Congress must ensure the unconstitutional, job-destroying mandates on individuals and small businesses not be allowed to go into effect. We must also put forth real cost-controlling policies such as allowing insurance to be bought across state lines, repealing the anti-trust exemption for insurance companies, and medical malpractice reform. Equally important, we must keep reasonable reforms currently implemented, such as removing restrictions on coverage for those with pre-existing conditions and allowing young adults to stay on their parents' insurance.

"There is broad agreement we must reign in health insurance costs, increase the quality of care, and really improve the healthcare system for all Americans. Today's vote in the House is a step toward those shared goals."
