Issue Position: Trade, Jobs, & the Economy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2010
Issues: Trade

Issue Position: Trade, Jobs, & the Economy

* Jobs

I have visited with workers in my district who are unemployed as well as workers who are currently receiving worker retraining at our local community colleges. I have seen the hardships the economy has placed on these individuals.

We not only want to create jobs, but good jobs -- the kind you can raise a family on and the kind that build a sturdy foundation for our economic future.

I voted for the Jobs for Main Street Act, a bill to create or save jobs with targeted investments for highways and transit, school renovation, hiring teachers, police, and firefighters, small business, job training and affordable housing. These investments are fully paid for by redirecting TARP funds from Wall Street to Main Street. The bill also contained help for those hit hardest by the Recession -- extending unemployment benefits and help with health benefits for those out of work. Unfortunately, the Jobs for Main Street Act did not move in the Senate.

I voted for the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, which provides a payroll tax break for businesses who hire unemployed people and provides an additional tax credit for keeping those workers for at least a year. This legislation was signed into law by the President on March 18, 2010.

I also voted in favor of the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act which targets tax incentives to help spur small businesses and expands small business lending. In addition, this legislation is fully paid for. This legislation was signed into law by the President on September 27, 2010.

* Protecting American Jobs

Plant closings and job losses are too common in our state. I know what these losses add up to in the small towns of North Carolina -- they add up to double-digit unemployment and people unable to find work after a year or more.

Free trade means nothing if it is not fair trade.

North Carolina producers need more open markets for their products, and we need to ensure our competitiveness by leveling the international playing field on trade to create long-term stability and economic growth. I am committed to fighting for American workers and manufacturers and to creating jobs and growth. I will continue to vote against any trade proposal that is unfair to North Carolina workers, and will standby our companies when they are struggling.
