Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Brett has earned a key position on the House Committee on Education and Labor, and has worked tirelessly to craft legislation that would help put Americans back to work. As the lead sponsor of the "Workforce Investment Improvement Act," Brett is fighting for those who are out of work and need additional education and training to find better jobs.

Brett believes that small businesses are America's job creation engines, and he supports tax cuts for companies to invest in additional jobs and more equipment. When more money is left in the hands of workers and job creators, the American economy thrives. Brett feels the Washington Democrat majority's agenda to raise taxes on those who create jobs would be disastrous for our economy. Brett will fight any attempts to raise taxes and will continue to support legislation that will lead to a better job market.
Brett thinks American workers are the best in the world and, if given a chance, can outperform any workers on the planet. Brett knows the government doesn't create wealth; instead, Brett believes that American workers create wealth when they are provided a business environment in which they can flourish.
