Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

I voted for health care reform because it was a step in the right direction. We need reform for the millions of Americans who don't have affordable health care coverage, as well as for those who have inadequate care or live in fear that their coverage may not be there when they really need it. I also know that skyrocketing health care costs are crippling our budget, and hurting economic growth at a time when we need it most.

Under this new law, insurance companies will no longer be able to deny coverage based on preexisting conditions, no longer be able to apply arbitrary caps to coverage, and will no longer be able to cancel policies after people get ill. Furthermore, anyone who currently has a policy that they like will be able to keep their insurance just the way it is. Small businesses and individuals will be able to access the same rates and policies as large companies do now, removing a significant barrier to entrepreneurs, and allowing local firms to compete on a level playing field.

Seniors will see the infamous Medicare "donut hole' closed, and will no longer pay out of pocket for preventive care, helping to keep seniors healthy rather than treating them only after they are already ill.

Health care reform will do a great deal to bring our costs under control and create access to insurance for millions of uninsured families. We are already seeing some positive results, with one national insurer indicating that they can save $219 billion in Medicaid costs, local Chambers of Commerce considering taking part in the state insurance exchanges, and overall utilization declining. With health care costs continuing to rise and more and more Americans unable to afford insurance, inaction was not an option.
