Guinta Stands up for Small Business Owners

Press Release

Date: Sept. 23, 2010
Location: Manchester, NH

Calls on Congress to repeal 1099 provision tucked into Obamacare

Republican Congressional candidate Frank Guinta called on Congress to immediately repeal a provision in the Obamacare takeover that will prove to be particularly harmful to small business owners. Section 9006 of the health care law requires business owners to file a 1099 tax form whenever they make more than $600 worth of purchases with another company in a single year.[1] The White House estimates this will generate $17 billion in revenue over the next ten years, and add millions of pages of paperwork to account for the growing federal bureaucracy. Guinta's announcement coincided with the six-month anniversary of President Obama signing this massive government takeover into law.

"Nancy Pelosi said "we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it'. Six months later, we know what's in it, and now we know why Pelosi and Carol Shea-Porter tried to hide it from us," said Guinta. "Carol Shea-Porter has been silent on this issue, and her silence represents her continued blind support for Nancy Pelosi's radical liberal agenda."

Contrary to the facts, Carol Shea-Porter praised passage of Obamacare as a victory for small business owners. Shea-Porter claimed New Hampshire small businesses would receive tax breaks.[2] There has already been bipartisan support for repeal of this harmful tax provision. Despite this, Shea-Porter has made no effort to stand up for taxpayers and call for a repeal.

"Carol Shea-Porter has shown she doesn't care about what her constituents think. She either refused to talk to small business owners about Obamacare, or ignored their advice," Guinta continued. "Carol didn't listen when we told her to oppose Obamacare, and didn't listen to us 6 months ago when she applauded its passage. In 40 days, we will force Carol Shea-Porter to listen to us, when we vote her out of Congress.
