Issue Position: Regaining Economic Security for Families

Issue Position

The purpose of a strong economy is not to make Wall Street bankers richer or to get politicians reelected. The purpose of a strong economy is to help families succeed. For some people, that means paying the rent and putting food on the table. For some people, it means going to college or putting a down payment on a house. For some people, it means expanding a business and hiring new employees. Whatever your goals are, the government cannot help you by taking more of your money from you. It can help you by letting you keep more of what you earn and by passing laws that help you in your life rather than hurting you.

I pushed hard for the law that now allows Americans to save more in 401(k)s, IRAs, and Section 529 college saving plans. But those options don't help a family that doesn't have enough money left at the end of the month to invest. That's why I believe so strongly in reducing taxes. We need trade policies, tax policies, and regulatory policies that will fire the engine of the American economy, while also keeping greed and irresponsibility from ruining things.

The government cannot create prosperity. Only the American people can. And the government needs to stop making it hard for us to do so.

Health Care--An important part of every family's economic security is the knowledge that they have health insurance they can count on. Too many families don't have that security because they lack sufficient income, their employer can't provide it for them, or because of pre-existing conditions. I offered details plans for addressing each of these problems while also strongly opposing the Obama-Pelosi-Reid health bill that was recently forced through Congress. We don't need a new trillion-dollar bureaucracy to help people get the care they need.
