Stop the DREAM Act


Dear Friend,

The DREAM Act is another form of amnesty and should be defeated by Congress.

You've probably seen on the news recently that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants to call for a vote on the DREAM Act, H.R. 1751, before November. The House could take it up as well.

With unemployment over 9 percent for 16 straight months, it is just wrong the Democratic-controlled Congress may vote on amnesty for illegal immigrants before helping hard working American families in this tough economy.

Instead, Congress should extend tax cuts. Otherwise, families and small business will be hit with a $3.8 trillion tax hike in January 2011.

Congress should cut spending. Even with the deficit at $1.3 trillion, the highest in history, Congress refuses to pass a real budget.

In addition, Congress should repeal and replace healthcare because the taxes will cost jobs and lead to a government-controlled healthcare system.

When will Congress understand?

East Alabamians are hurting.

Folks want Congress to cut spending and keep taxes low.

As always, my staff and I are here to serve you.


Mike Rogers

Alabama's Third District
