Issue Position: Our Nations Debt

Issue Position

The scariest part in our story as a nation is the debt which at this time is out of control. This problem didn't just come about, not one person can be blamed. The nation's debt is a compilation of years in the making. We can go back to after the revolutionary war when Alexander Hamilton came up with the idea of having a national debt. His plan was to collect all the debts of the 13 original colonies and ask foreign nations for loans to establish credit. Mr. Hamilton believed in a powerful central government, he thought that, the more money that was owed to that central authority the more power it could exert on the newly formed states. That idea has grown into the monstrosity of debt we have today. But what is so dangerous in current times is who we owe money to, Communist China. This country loathes America. It was once said the borrower is the servant of the lender. This statement is true. Our states are now subservient to the federal government through mandates. But now the question is---who is America subservient to? With the crisis of debt we owe our worth is dwindling--the only thing left of value is our land and its people.

With the statements that have been made by me you would think our leaders would realize our danger themselves. Sadly the answer is no. Our federal reserve is continuing to print money that is worthless and one day we will have to pay the piper.
