Blog: More Washington Politics and Out of Control Spending


When you turn on the television or read a newspaper these days it seems the world has gone crazy, but it's really just the same old Washington politics we've seen over and over again. While families across North Carolina are struggling to find jobs or hold onto the jobs they have, President Obama continues to spend our tax dollars on things that not only don't improve the economy, but don't match our values.

Bob Etheridge has voted with the Pelosi-Obama agenda 97% of the time and we are now suffering the consequences: High unemployment and increased government control over our lives. Obama and Etheridge promised three million jobs from their trillion dollar "stimulus" -- the truth is we have lost two and a half million since they passed it.

Etheridge promised seniors he would never, ever cut Medicare -- then he voted to cut a half trillion dollars out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare (cuts the non-partisan chief actuary of Medicare reports will hurt health care for seniors).

In fourteen years in Congress, Congressman Etheridge has voted to increase our debt at a rate -- on average -- of eighteen thousand dollars every second. Now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says our rising debt is a national security threat. If she can see it, why can't he? Why is Congressman Etheridge voting for foreign aid to build mosques overseas when Washington's borrowing and deficits are destroying our economy and killing jobs?

While even Communist Cuba is cutting costs by slashing its state workforce by half a million and reducing restrictions on private enterprise to help citizens find new jobs, Barack Obama and Bob Etheridge continue their unsustainable big spending ways.

In addition to another proposed stimulus plan (since the first one worked so well), we are seeing our taxes going up with plans to spend our money to build mosques in Muslim countries, oppose the efforts of the state of Arizona to secure its borders, and to fund a health care plan we not only can't afford, but that takes money from Medicare.

And, according to the newspapers, Bob Etheridge cannot even be bothered to stick around for a couple of hours to answer constituents' questions. I need your help to defeat Bob Etheridge and restore common sense to Washington. Please make a contribution to my campaign today.
