Issue Position: Energy

Issue Position

Energy independence and alternative energy

The United States' economic, energy and national security requires that the U.S. become more energy independent. Every time we go to the gas pump and see gas at $3 per gallon, we are reminded that we need to chart our own course in developing energy resources. We must rid ourselves of our dependence on foreign oil.

I support a comprehensive energy policy that would increase the supply of American-made energy. Simply put, we need to drill for oil and natural gas in the U.S., including exploration and production of energy in both arctic Alaska and off-shore. Secondly, I will promote and encourage energy conservation. And third, we need to invest in nuclear power. In the U.S. today, 104 reactors generate approximately 20% of our nation's electricity. By comparison France (hardly a beacon of free-market thinking) has almost 80% of its electricity generated by nuclear power. Nuclear is renewable, safe and one of the cheapest sources of power available. The three working reactors in the 23rd Congressional District -- all in Oswego-- are all testiments that nuclear power is clean, efficient and extremely economically beneficial to our area. And as your Congressman, I will advocate nuclear development in our region as another avenue of economic development.

Alternative sources of energy are also important in the 21st Century, but in the age of an over $12 trillion deficit, we must be fiscally prudent. So, alternative sources must stand on their own and not on taxpayer-backed subsidies. But they must also not harm the environment and not negatively impact other functioning areas of the economy, including tourism.

The OPEC oil cartel controls more than three quarters of the world's global oil reserves and severely restricts both supply and access to its oil fields. It is vital that we utilize our nation's vast energy supplies- on shore and off-shore. At the same time, we must practice conservation and build more nuclear plants. Doing so is a common sense way to promote our economic, energy and national security.
