Preserving Marriage Between a Man and a Woman

Date: July 13, 2004
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Marriage

PRESERVING MARRIAGE BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN -- (House of Representatives - July 13, 2004)

(Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina. Mr. Speaker, this week the Senate is dealing with a very important issue, one that goes to the heart of our families and society. I am speaking of marriage.

In my home State of South Carolina, we are one of 42 States that have laws on the books defining marriage as the union between a man and a woman. These laws were passed by State legislatures, those elected to represent the views of their constituents.

My constituents contact me on a daily basis about this one issue more than any other issue we deal with. They ask me to do everything I can to ensure marriage between a man and a woman is preserved. Yet some in this country, elected by no one, believe they have the right to supersede the wishes of my constituents and the constituents of other Members here today.

I respectfully disagree. I truly believe the only way to ensure court action does not override State law is for the House and Senate to take action.

Mr. Speaker, I urge the House to follow the Senate's lead on this issue and bring up this issue for a vote so we can have an open debate in the People's House.
