Issue Position: Seniors

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Seniors here in Michigan and across America have blazed trails for us on so many fronts whether in space, technology, business, politics, or in homes. They have worked countless hours at often thankless jobs, raised children and grandchildren, built businesses, scrimped, saved, and invested. They have tirelessly and selflessly sacrificed, endured, and served as an example for all of us. Now we have the responsibility of carrying on that legacy of American exceptionalism, optimism, and determination. Just as it is up to each of us to honor in our own way the seniors in our lives, collectively, we must ensure that the needs and concerns of our seniors are properly addressed in their twilight years.

Many seniors I have talked with find few things less offensive than a government telling them what they can and can't do with what they have worked hard for all their lives. You can learn more about the Death Tax here, but the bottom line is that the Death Tax punishes productivity which we should logically want MORE of. Its repeal would help to create 1.5 MILLION more new small business jobs...and that's exactly what Michigan needs. I would push for common sense taxation which would help create new Michigan jobs and allow families to keep what they worked so hard and sacrificed so much over so many years for.

Overwhelmingly, seniors have spoken out against the attempted government takeover of our health care system. They rightly recognize that willingness to trade liberty for temporary security is a slippery slope which moves control of citizens' lives away from the citizen and places it instead into the hands of bureaucrats who simply do not have the luxury of seeing citizens as unique individuals with varying needs and desires. It is wrong for politicians to tell seniors that they can keep their insurance all the while pushing for deep cuts to Medicare which will in fact raise their rates, lessen their benefits, decrease rural access, and ultimately push 100 million seniors out of their plans of choice. Make no mistake - low-income and minority seniors will be among the hardest hit. This is simply unacceptable.

I will stand up to any politician attempting to wrest control of health care decisions from the hands of our seniors and will be a tireless advocate for their empowerment, self-determination, and dignity.
