Issue Position: Respecting the Constitution

Issue Position

Issues: Guns

The U.S. Constitution carefully spells out the powers of the federal government, reserving all other powers to the individual and the states. I will fight to restore those limits, to return power to state governments, and resist the appointment of activist judges.

One of the cornerstone ideas on which our county was founded was the protection of personal property rights. The constitution also protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms for security and defense of self, family, property, and to defend against tyranny. Another right guaranteed by the Constitution is the right to free expression of religion. But all of these rights are under assault today.

I will consider every proposal for its constitutional legitimacy and always make legislative decisions ensuring that all of your constitutional rights are fully protected. I believe that we can stop the abuses of power that are crippling our economy and eating away our liberty by using the Constitution to fight back against those who violate it.
