Issue Position: Economic Prosperity

Issue Position

Economic development is the most important issue facing our next governor. We have to make South Carolina a good place to own a business, and doing so starts with taking care of the businesses we already have. That means reforming our tax code -- beginning with eliminating the small business income tax -- so it's flatter and fairer and no longer places so much of the burden on the small businesses that drive our economy. It means taking advantage of our tech schools and skilling the workers our employers need. It means fighting to preserve South Carolina's status as a "right-to-work' state. The truth -- in spite of most politicians trying to convince you otherwise -- is governing isn't rocket science, it's just common sense. If the businesses in this state have cash flow and profit margins they will hire more people and our economy will grow, and it's time we take the necessary steps to make that a reality. I will fight to make South Carolina a great place to own and run a business -- only then will business outside of our state look to South Carolina as an attractive place to set up shop.
