Feingold Statement On the Nomination of Elena Kagan to be the Next Supreme Court Justice


Date: May 10, 2010
Issues: Judicial Branch

"I congratulate Elena Kagan on her nomination to the United States Supreme Court. I welcome President Obama's decision to nominate someone to be the first Supreme Court justice from outside the judiciary since former Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Justice Lewis Powell. Ms. Kagan's confirmation in 2009 as the first woman to become Solicitor General was an historic moment for our nation. As Solicitor General, Ms. Kagan has served the nation ably. Considering the impact the Supreme Court has on our country, I take very seriously my responsibility as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee to evaluate a nominee. I look forward to reviewing thoroughly Ms. Kagan's record, meeting with her and questioning her during what I hope will be a productive and informative confirmation process."
