Issue Position: Promote Job Creation and Stimulate the Economy

Issue Position

Prosperity Through Freedom

1. Job creation.

o Reduced regulation and less big government interference, such as nationalized healthcare, allows small business to grow, thrive, and create jobs.

o Tax relief for businesses leaves cash where permanent jobs are created, not the jobs that will disappear when stimulus wasted money is gone.

o Free markets must be fair markets, and both Democrats and Republicans have been asleep while Wall Street banks have used taxpayers as golden parachutes. Regional banks, the credit lifeblood of small business, should receive direct incentives to make reasonable loans again.

o Enforce the law against predatory market practices, economic espionage, and monetary policies abroad, particularly by China, which cripple American manufacturers. We must be honest about where our jobs have gone and what it takes to get them back.

2. Increased fiscal accountability and less federal spending.

o Stop growing the federal government and increasing the tax burden which punishes innovation and business enterprise and makes U.S. goods uncompetitive in the global market.

o Rethink the union's place in our economy. Union burdened industries must be allowed to fail if they are not sustainable without taxpayer subsidy.

o Reform a tort litigation system that punishes honest hard work and innovation and rewards lawyers for creating a society of victims.

o Change the broken defense budgetary process. Ensure adequate focus on future threats while eliminating pork projects that results in $400 toilet seats and weapons systems that nobody wants or needs.

o The current tax system punishes success and disincentivizes growth and private investment, and as such must be overhauled. A profoundly equitable solution is the Fair Tax, which brings efficiency and transparency to the system while increasing federal revenue and decreasing the labyrinthine complexity of existing tax codes.

3. Educating the workforce is a strategic imperative.

o You can't innovate if you can't graduate and you can't have pride in America if you don't know America's proud history.

o Provide more incentives to attract highly qualified teachers and reward performance, while removing teachers that can't teach and policies that don't work.

o Expand the GI bill to offer graduate education to veterans and create another Great Generation like that of post World War II.

o Eliminate capital gains taxes on private investment in campus incubators and alternative energy research and development.
