House Repbulicans To Launch 10th Amendment Task Force

Floor Speech

Date: April 22, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Mr. Speaker, I've spent a number of weeks back in my district, the 19th Congressional District of Texas, talking to small businesses all throughout the district about the economy and about jobs, which is on the minds of the American people, and particularly the people in the 19th Congressional District.

Many of them said, Congressman, we would be spending money, we would be expanding our business, but Congress is creating such an uncertainty that we don't know what to do. They're still trying to figure out how this health care bill is going to impact them. They're still trying to figure out if this Congress is going to pass a cap-and-trade bill that will increase the cost of energy. They hear Congress talking about all kinds of taxes, VAT taxes, gasoline taxes.

And now they see Congress is spending and borrowing money it doesn't have, running up these record deficits. And they said, Congressman, we're just uncertain about what the future is in this country.

In fact, when I go around to clubs and meetings, I ask people in the audience to raise their hand if they are living out a better life than their parents. Everybody's hand raises. But when I ask them how many people think, based upon the course we are on today, that their children and grandchildren will live a better day, the hands are brought down.

Mr. Speaker, we need to get back to the basics here, cut spending, cut taxes, and get the American people back to work.
