Health Care Reform

Floor Speech

By: Judy Chu
By: Judy Chu
Date: March 16, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Ms. CHU. It's as simple as this: Are you for what the insurance companies are doing, or are you against it? Do you think it's right to cut your mother off her insurance because she's had a catastrophic cancer? I don't. Do you think it's right to deny your sister insurance because she had a cesarean section? Do you think it's right for insurance companies to raise rates 39 percent all at one time, forcing businesses to choose between health care or firing people? I don't.

If you think it's right for the insurance companies to do this to your son, daughter, or mother, join the Republicans in opposing health care reform. I don't think it's right. In fact, I think it's an outrage. That is why I know we must pass health care reform now.
