Issue Position: Afghanistan

Issue Position

We need to understand that our nation's public policy focus in Afghanistan is very different from that of Iraq.

Iraq has resources upon which they may build their future economy: one of the largest reserves of crude oil left in any nation, estimated at approximately 400 billion barrels. Afghanistan possesses no legitimate natural resources upon which an economy; the country is currently dependent upon the cultivation of poppy used to produce opium, heroin, and other opiates. However, Afghanistan has proven to be a training ground and refuge for terrorists, rendering it a more direct threat to our national security than Iraq.

I support President Obama's decision to send over 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan to assist existing forces in stabilizing the region. While I have always had grave concerns about our military involvement, especially when lacking a clear purpose or clear exit plan, I recognize that for us to be able to accomplish our goals in the Middle East we need to provide our men and women of the Armed Forces with the resources and numbers they need.

The sobering reality is that 9/11 did occur, and it could very well happen again. We need take all reasonable actions necessary to ensure that it doesn't happen again.
