Fox News "Hannity" - Transcript


SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Throughout the 2008 campaign and the first year of the Obama administration we have gotten to know these faces very well: David Axelrod, Robert Gibbs, Valerie Jarrett and Rahm Emanuel. Now they comprise the president's inner circle. That's his closest and most trusted advisers.

Now increasingly Democrats seem unhappy about that and they are starting to rebel against the president's inner circle. Now the latest voice to join this chorus is former Virginia Governor Douglas Wilder, the first African-American governor in the nation's history.

In an article that appeared today on, Wilder writes, quote, "Obama's West Wing is filled with people who are in their jobs because of their Chicago connections or because they signed on with Obama early during his presidential campaign. Our problem is they do not have sufficient experience at governing at the Executive Branch level. Now the deeper problems is they are not listening to the people."

Now Wilder's sentiments are echoed by congressional Democrats who earlier this week pointed the finger at Rahm "Rahmbo Dead Fish" Emanuel blaming him for the collapse of health care reform.

So with Democrats turning against the president's closest advisers, will President Obama shake things up?

Joining me now with analysis is a man who knows more than a little about the man in the oval office, and that is Arizona Senator John McCain.

* Watch Sean's interview

Senator, welcome back.

SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN, R-ARIZ. (via phone): Thanks Sean. And thanks for having me over the phone. I'm snowbound and going crazy.



MCCAIN: I think about those old trappers that used to winter over, I don't know how they did it.

HANNITY: I don't know either. Senator, I guess global warming kept you out of the studio tonight. We're glad you can be with us on the phone. We're glad to hear -- the "Drudge Report," interesting, as I was coming down, I was just looking at my notes apparently, "The New York Times" tomorrow is going to blame global warming on the record snows in D.C. and Philly.

Do you agree with that analysis?

MCCAIN: Absolutely. I think they made some movie that showed that the Earth was going to freeze over as a result of global warming.


MCCAIN: I never quite understood that but you know I didn't stand real high in my Naval Academy class. By the way, back to the people around the president. I don't know the president picks the people closest to him. But I can tell you Mr. Brennan, in my view, has lost all ability to affect events or to be relevant when he accuses those of us who are critical of the handling of the Christmas bomber of helping Al Qaeda.

That's beyond an outrage and it's an insult. They mishandled and they mishandled it badly. And for them to somehow say that we're -- when we carry out our duties, and I'm a member of the Homeland Security Committee, which one that asked the three leaders of the intelligence community if they had been consulted when mister -- when the Christmas bomber was given his Miranda rights and they said no.

Well, that's mishandling. Mr. Brennan's response is to accuse us of helping Al Qaeda. That's a new low.

HANNITY: Yes, well, his actual line was politically motivated criticisms is what he said, and unfounded fear mongering only serve the goals of Al Qaeda. Now you tell me if I'm wrong, but I interpret that as, you know, those of us that have been critical of the fact that we didn't interrogate this guy are aiding and abetting.

Is that your interpretation?

MCCAIN: I don't know how you can interpret it any other way. And the fact is that we have our responsibilities as well. And one of mine, besides being on the Armed Services Committee, is on the Homeland Security Committee. They came as witnesses.

They were asked, not Mr. Brennan. See, he'll go on television. He will write columns and editorials in USA Today, but he won't appear before Congress because he's the president's national -- counterterrorism adviser.

But the three, the director of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, the head of the Counterterrorism Center, and the director of National Intelligence, all three, when I asked them, were you consulted before the Christmas bomber was given Miranda rights? All three of them have said no. It's inexcusable that they were not consulted.

HANNITY: Hey, Senator, I want to -- there's a Quinnipiac poll, I believe, was the poll that shows that a landslide majority of Americans oppose Obama's terrorism policies. And it leads to this question. And I'd like to get you on record on this.

I wonder, you know, what orders President Obama has given Holder as it relates to the capture of the next terrorist?

MCCAIN: I don't know.

HANNITY: What should they be?

MCCAIN: They should be that no one should -- anyone captured after careful and quick review by this elite interrogation organization, which by the way, has not been formed up yet.


MCCAIN: The determination -- if the determination is made that this is an enemy combatant, that person, that individual, should go to a military tribunal. Should never receive Miranda rights and should not receive the right -- the constitutional rights of an American citizen.

It should be automatic and we are working on legislation to try to make that a reality.

HANNITY: You know we saw in the last few days, and we're going to show a tape later in the program. We know that in one speech President Obama referred to Navy corpsman as corpseman. And then there was so much made of your running mate, Governor Palin, that she had, you know, seven words on her hand before she gave a speech.

And I just wanted to get your thoughts on the double standard that exists.

MCCAIN: I guess it's OK to use a teleprompter but not OK to write something on your hand.


MCCAIN: But hysteria of the attackers is something that used to kind of surprise me. But now, it's become routine. And now the people who believe in her and support her and admire her, all it does is fire them up. So I say to those people on the left, keep it up, keep it up, we don't care anymore.

It's -- but it is really a phenomena to me. And I'm sure that it's -- well, it's so unfair and unjust, though.

HANNITY: All right.

MCCAIN: It's hard for me to talk about it. But she is doing what they fear the most and that's having an impact on the American political scene and there's lots of Americans that like her a lot.

HANNITY: All right, Senator, good to see you. And enjoy your big global warming storm.
