Landrieu Comments on Results from Special Massachusetts Senate Election


Date: Jan. 20, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

United States Senator Mary L. Landrieu, D-La., today commented on Scott Brown's victory in the special Massachusetts Senate election to fill the seat of the late Ted Kennedy.

Sen. Landrieu said:

"The loss in Massachusetts should serve as a wake-up call to the wing of the Democratic Party that wants the federal government to overreach and overspend. We need to get back to the basics. Senate Democrats must use this setback to increase our efforts to find bipartisan, fiscally responsible solutions that makes sense to Americans of all walks of life.

"But our outreach to Republicans will be pointless if they use the win in Massachusetts as yet another excuse for more obstructionism and partisan gamesmanship. This is not good for our country and not what the American people want. Centrists -- both Democrat and Republican -- have a long history finding common ground on the issues that matter most. We cannot turn our backs on that legacy.

"During my Senate career, I have built strong coalitions with dozens of moderate Republicans and I expect that to continue with Scott Brown. I congratulate him on running a good campaign, and I look forward to working with him on the urgent issues facing our country -- creating more jobs, getting help to Main Street businesses, limiting our dependence on foreign oil and pushing education reform based on student success."
