Rep. Eshoo Letter Opposing Ugandan Anti-Gay Push


Dear Ambassador Kamunanwire,

I have been greatly disturbed to read of the proposed legislation in Uganda that would impose the death penalty and life imprisonment on individuals who engage in homosexual behavior. Equally troubling is that the proposed law would punish people who fail to report suspected homosexual behavior, thereby criminalizing a wide range of professions that perform confidential counseling services.

Many people of strong religious convictions such as myself abhor the content of this legislative proposal and recognize it as an immoral and outrageous effort to eradicate homosexuals and brutally punish those who befriend or counsel these individuals. Uganda already has draconian punishments in place for homosexual behavior, placing it out of step with worldwide standards.

The new law would push your country backwards toward a policy that undermines human rights and dignity. Moreover, a nation facing the HIV epidemic should be more introspective as to its causes and the best methods for eliminating this public health problem. If lengthy prison sentences for homosexuals did not curb the onset of the HIV epidemic, it is unlikely that death sentences will eradicate it - especially since the virus is spread through heterosexual as well as homosexual contact.

Although I cannot wield a vote against this dangerous path that your nation may take, I can vote against foreign aid for a nation that disregards civilized notions of human decency. Please be assured that I will do just that at the next opportunity, unless Uganda reconsiders this ill-conceived attempt to pass this proposed legislation.


Anna G. Eshoo
Member of Congress
