Letter To The Honorable Robert Gates, Secretary, U.S. Department Of Defense


Date: Dec. 2, 2009
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense

Ensign Letter To Gates Regarding U.S. Navy Seals Abuse Charges

Senator John Ensign today sent a letter to Defense Secretary Gates asking that the Secretary give his personal attention to the matter of the three U.S. Navy SEALs who are facing court-martial over their capture of one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq.

December 2, 2009

Dear Secretary Gates:

It has recently come to my attention that three U.S. Navy SEALs have been charged with prisoner abuse in connection with the capture of one of the most-wanted terrorists in Iraq, Ahmed Hashim Abed. Ahmed Ashim Abed is the alleged mastermind behind the 2004 murder of four Blackwater contractors who subsequently had their bodies hanged from a bridge in Fallujah, Iraq. I have also been made aware that the three SEALs in question, Special Operations Petty Officers Second Class Matthew McCabe, Jonathon Keefe, and Julio Huertas, have refused nonjudicial punishment and have elected to be tried by court-martial.

This issue is particularly troubling to me, as I believe the ramifications could significantly hinder our war effort. On its face, it appears that three of this nation's most highly skilled operators have been removed from the fight due to a fat lip and some slanderous allegations by one of the most-wanted individuals in Iraq. His acts were so heinous that he not only killed four U.S. citizens but also felt the need to mutilate and hang their bodies for the entire world to see. Because of the impending court-martial, three U.S. SEALs have been removed from the battlefield, as will various others who will be called as witnesses. There is also the issue of how these charges will affect morale, recruiting, and retention within the SEAL community, the U.S. Navy, and the Armed Forces as a whole.

What I do not want to see happen is for these three individuals to have their careers cut short based predominately on the allegations of a murderer and our driving need to be politically correct. I therefore ask that you give this matter your personal attention and keep the Congress fully informed as the court-martial process moves forward. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

United States Senator John Ensign
