Recognizing The Persistently High Rates Of Drowning Fatalities Among Children

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 14, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Recognizing The Persistently High Rates Of Drowning Fatalities Among Children


Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

I rise today in support of House Resolution 57 expressing the importance of swimming lessons and recognizing the danger of drowning in the United States. With almost 10 unintentional and fatal drowning deaths each day in our country, it is important to recognize those most vulnerable to drowning, and it is usually our precious children under the age of 14 who have not yet learned to swim. Swimming education programs in communities and swimming lessons for those as young as 4 years old could help lower the number of fatal drownings each and every year.

The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act, which was signed into law in December 2007 by President Bush, has led to increased pool and spa safety requirements and education.

I thank the gentlewoman from Florida who has joined us on the floor for her excellent leadership and outstanding work on that issue. It is one that was important to all of us in dealing with the FTC and the regulations. We commend you, and we thank you for your work.

Effective prevention strategies like the Pool and Spa Safety Act and nonprofit initiatives like the U.S.A. Swimming Foundation's ``Make a Splash''

program have been successful in teaming up with local communities to offer all children access to swimming education and lessons.

I want to thank the sponsor of this bill, Representative Albio Sires from the Garden State of New Jersey, for his work on this resolution. I stand in support of the legislation, and I hope that my colleagues will join me.

