Successful Cash For Clunkers Program Comes To An End


Date: Aug. 24, 2009
Location: Lansing, MI

Today, U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) issued the following statement regarding the conclusion of the successful Cash for Clunkers program.

“In just a short time, Cash for Clunkers provided a tremendous boost to our state and our nation's economy. Families eager to lower their gas bills rushed into show rooms to purchase new, more fuel-efficient vehicles, stimulating automobile sales for our dealers and manufacturers. Having led the effort in the Senate to pass Cash for Clunkers, I hoped that it would lead to people being called back to work and that's exactly what happened. Tonight the popular program comes to an end, but I will continue to fight for the middle-class in America and a 21st Century manufacturing strategy that will create jobs here at home.”
-U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow
