Health Care Reform Needs To Get Done Right

Floor Speech

Date: July 28, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Health Care Reform Needs To Get Done Right

Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise this afternoon to express my deep concern about the debate over health care reform. This debate is not about whether reform is needed. The debate is about ensuring that health care reform is done right. I was a small business owner. I owned my business for 20 years. I can speak with a certainty of experience that the tax increase that's been proposed to pay for the Democrats' health reform bill will have a devastating impact on businesses and their employees.

Not only will the impact of the Democrats' bill be felt by business owners; but as individuals, the relationships we have developed with our doctors could be jeopardized. As an individual, I don't want anyone coming between me and the advice of my doctor. It's as simple as that. Choosing a doctor is one of the most personal and most important decisions we can make. Our health care options should be decided between doctor and patient, not by a health choices commissioner.

Mr. Speaker, my constituents want this process done right. They want options; and they want access, not mandates by government bureaucrats. They want affordable health care, not trillions more in debt. We owe it to the American people to get this right.
