Reducing Over-Classification Act Of 2008

Floor Speech

Date: July 29, 2008
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

I rise today in support of H.R. 4806, the Reducing Over-Classification Act sponsored by my Homeland Security colleague, Representative Jane Harman, the distinguished subcommittee Chair on Intelligence.

H.R. 4806 requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to develop and administer policies, procedures, and programs to prevent the over-classification of homeland security information. This bill requires the Department of Homeland Security to continue its current practice of producing unclassified versions of the majority of its classified products.

For example, just last month when the Department produced its classified periodic review of border security issues facing the United States, it produced an unclassified version as well. The bill specified that law enforcement agencies, emergency first responders, and private sector customers should benefit from these products, thus reinforcing the Department's commitment to State and local entities. Hopefully, this will encourage the widest possible dissemination of these unclassified products to better inform our frontline agencies.

Mr. Speaker, H.R. 4806 will further strengthen ongoing efforts to prevent the over-classification of homeland security information, and I look forward to its passage.

I reserve the balance of my time

Ms. HARMAN. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to reiterate that we need the appropriations and the authorization Homeland Security bills on the floor this year.

I yield back the balance of my time.

