DeLauro Highlights Recovery Package Dollars At Work

Press Release

Date: Feb. 28, 2009
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Infrastructure

Standing by Route 1 under the Amtrak Bridge, Congresswoman Rosa L. DeLauro (Conn.-3) applauded the prompt action by the South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG) and the Department of Transportation to commit funds for shovel-ready transportation projects. This past week Council of Governments amended the State Transportation Improvement Program to obligate $75 million in federal funding from the recently enacted American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the expansion of Route 1 under the Amtrak Bridge in Branford. Additionally, the bid process has already begun and will be open for 30 days, instead of the typical 90 days. Joining DeLauro were Unk DaRos, First Selectman, Branford, Judy Gott, Executive Director, SCRCOG, and a Branford Business Representative.

"Today marks a pivotal moment - acting to reconstruct Branford's Amtrak bridge, widen Route 1, and improve traffic, while creating jobs essential for economic recovery," said DeLauro. "I am delighted to have worked with the South Central Regional Council of Governments and the Department of Transportation to identify this project as regionally significant and shovel ready. It is because of their work last fall, that the funds for this project have already been obligated and the bid process begun. This bridge is exactly the kind of project Congress imagined when we made infrastructure funding a pillar of the Recovery package."

Signed into law a little over a week ago, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act includes $64.1 billion of infrastructure investment to enhance the safety, security, and efficiency of our highway, transit, rail, aviation, environmental, inland waterways, public buildings, and maritime transportation infrastructure. For Connecticut, this means an additional $487.5 million in total infrastructure funding. Each $1 billion of Federal funds invested in infrastructure creates or sustains approximately 34,779 jobs and $6.2 billion in economic activity

Continued DeLauro, "We are working to confront the dire challenge of an economic crisis greater than any since the Great Depression. That is why earlier this month, Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act including $64 billion for infrastructure - the kind of resources that pave the way for new growth and opportunity and promise to create 1.8 million jobs and $322 billion in economic activity nationwide."

"Getting our economy back on track will not be easy, but investment in our communities is the first step. Like building a bridge, we start today with a strong foundation and everything else rises from there - job creation, economic growth, and renewed prosperity."
