Providing For Consideration Of H.R. 2997, Agriculture, Rural Development, Food And Drug Administration, And Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010

Floor Speech

Date: July 8, 2009
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, the American people know that in these tough economic times, they should save, not spend money. However, the Federal Government does not reflect the common sense I see throughout my district. Instead, the Democrats in charge continue to borrow more and spend more, increasing our Federal deficit on the backs of our children and grandchildren. The bill facing us after this rule is a 12 percent overall increase in funding from last year's bill. The U.S. national deficit is currently $11.5 trillion. With over 300 million people in the U.S. today, each citizen's share of this debt right now is $37,500. This bill will increase the deficit even more by borrowing and spending money we do not have. The majority can no longer blame the deficit and economic difficulties today on the previous administration. The Democrats in charge have shown they do not care about the deficit by continuing to dig America into a bigger and bigger hole with more reckless spending. This borrowed money is all being spent by Speaker Pelosi, the Obama administration; and as a result, the unemployment rate continues to rise, and the deficit continues to skyrocket. There are 322 earmarks tucked into this bill, totaling $220 million in borrowed money for pet projects. The bill contains $1.3 billion in grant funding, awarded solely at the discretion of the administration.

Mr. Speaker, there is an article today in Politico that says that we have a train wreck in this country because of out-of-control Federal budget deficits. I would like to include that in the Record today.

I'm going to urge my colleagues to vote ``no'' on the previous question so I can amend the rule to allow all Members of Congress the opportunity to offer his or her amendment to the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies appropriations bill under an open rule.

I ask unanimous consent that the text of the amendment and extraneous material be placed in the Record prior to the vote on the previous question.

