Dingell On Food Safety Mark-up


Date: June 17, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman John D. Dingell made the following remarks after the Committee on Energy and Commerce unanimously passed H.R. 2749, the "Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009" of which he is the principal author.

"The bill we have passed today will protect Americans and has the potential to save lives. After numerous incidents in which unsafe food sickened or killed unsuspecting men, women and children, passing this bill was absolutely necessary. This bill will give the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the tools needed to make our food safer. I want to praise my colleagues, particularly Chairmen Waxman, Pallone and Stupak, Ranking Member Barton, Congresswomen DeGette and Sutton for the work they've done on this important bill."

Below are the prepared remarks Congressman Dingell made during the Committee's mark-up:

"Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your kindness and assistance in bringing the Food Safety Enhancement Act before the full Committee. I also thank Chairmen Stupak and Pallone, and Representatives DeGette and Sutton for their diligence and leadership on this matter. There is no doubt in my mind that the legislation we will consider today will give the Food and Drug Administration the necessary authorities and resources to ensure the safety of the nation's food supply.

"To quote one of our witnesses who appeared before the subcommittee on Health earlier this month for the legislative hearing, ‘the Food Safety Enhancement Act is a well-vetted, mature bill.' It dates back to the first food safety legislation I introduced in 1998, the Imported Food Safety Act. The Food Safety Enhancement Act has been informed by:

a number of hearings conducted by the Health and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittees;

the stories of countless victims of contaminated food products;

technical assistance from FDA—what a difference a new Administration makes;

technical assistance from consumer, public health and victim advocacy organizations, and the regulated industry; and

the valued input of the Members of this Committee, both Democrat and Republican.

"Among other things, the legislation we will consider today will:

Prevent food safety problems before they occur. The legislation requires foreign and domestic food facilities to have safety plans in place to identify and mitigate hazards.

Increase the frequency of inspections and allows FDA to adjust this frequency for low risk products based on an honest and transparent risk assessment.

Provide strong, flexible enforcement tools, including mandatory recall, stronger penalties for bad actors, administrative detention, quarantine, and subpoena authority.

Provide FDA tools to ensure imported products meet US safety standards;

Significantly expand FDA traceback capabilities in the event of an outbreak of foodborne illness; and

Most importantly, generates the resources to support FDA food safety activities.

"I thank the Members of the Committee, on both sides of the aisle, for their patience and willingness to work with us to address some very delicate matters. The bill before us is a better piece of legislation because of our collaboration. I also look forward to continued discussions as we prepare the bill for the Floor.

"The Food Safety Enhancement Act is a monumental piece of legislation that will go a long way in boosting consumer confidence in the safety of the nation's food supply.

"I urge my colleagues to vote in favor of the substitute. The American people deserve nothing less.

"Thank you, Mr. Chairman."
